Tajwar Rahman

Hey, I'm Tajwar Rahman!

I'm a senior at the City College of New York, pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science. I love combining programming and math to build creative real-world applications. I specialize in creating Backend, Frontend, Mobile, Cloud, and DevOps applications. I'm always eager to learn something new every day!

Feel free to reach out to me through email or just message me on LinkedIn!




Machine Learning, Data Science, Regression, Classification, Clustering, Django, Selenium, Flask


Object-Oriented, JDBC, Lambdas, Data Structures, Algorithms, Spring Boot


JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Full Stack

Cloud Technologies

AWS (Cloud Practitioner), GCP, Azure, MongoDB


APIs, CreateML, CoreData, UI/UX Design


No-SQL, MySQL, SQLite, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Other Languages

Bash, Go, C#/C++, GraphQL, HTML, CSS

Other Softwares/Frameworks

Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Cypress, Jenkins


Software Engineer Intern @ Capital One

June 2023 - August 2023

  • Spearheaded the development of a bootstrapped platform to streamline the Unusual Activity Report (UAR) data collection process
  • Designed and deployed a scalable solution that automated processes and decreased manual labor by 30%
  • Enabled real-time monitoring system, which lead to a 20% increase in identifying potential threats and enhancing fraud detection
  • Conducted 11 unit tests on Next.js components and HTTP requests to the API to validate reliability, using Cypress and Jest
  • Executed rigorous performance, data processing, and frontend integration tests on 2 AWS Lambda functions using Behave
  • Worked closely with stakeholders from Compliance, Risk Management, and IT to increase user engagement by 9% worldwide


Khuda Lagche

Next.js ∙ Typescript ∙ AWS ∙ Python ∙ FastAPI ∙ PyTorch ∙ Terraform

Developed a personalized recipe and blog recommendation app using Next.js, FastAPI, and AWS, deploying machine learning models on ElasticBeanstalk.

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Learning Made Simple

Next.js ∙ Typescript ∙ Amplify ∙ Express ∙ Cypress

Created a learning management system for educational courses, leveraging agile methods and CI/CD pipelines for automation and deployment.

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Dad Joke CLI

GoLang ∙ Cobra

Developed a CLI using Go and Cobra that prints out random dad jokes using a “random” command and a “--term” flag. Fetched data from the icanhazdadjoke API using a get request.

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AI Flappy Bird

Python ∙ PyGame ∙ NEAT-python

An AI that learns and teaches itself the popular game Flappy Bird. It performed 48 generations, each with 60 Flappy Birds, before ending the simulation at 3 birds scoring 250 points.

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Google Assistant

Python ∙ Google APIs ∙ Automation

A voice assistant that would relay information about your inbox, events in your google calendar, youtube subscriptions, etc.

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Get In Touch

Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, my inbox is always open. I'll try my best to get back to you!